Today I spent a moment with you, and my reflection in the mirror of your eyes
Because through your veins runs the same blood that keeps me alive.
Because I exist in your DNA, in a single line that you store in your thumb,
I have spent the best time with you until next time,
I admire in you the things we have in common, but mostly I enjoy our differences
Because they are funny and I laugh, because they are serious and I keep silent, because they are interesting and I wonder.
I love you and I have you stuck in my mind, and I light up when I think you.
You're the hidden treasure, that mom and dad left me when they passed away, because you and I is the only memory of them.
I always come back to your river and drink from your waters to appease the thirst of family that grows with my visits.
Please accept these doses of love that I give you, that love that our parents never taught us, but as adults we understand that love is not bought or sold, that is born as spring water, and the more you take, the more you give, and you can share with your friends and family.
I love your children because in them I see those eyes and eyebrows that Gregoria(grandma) had on her beautiful face, and I love your wife who God made from your rib and because she has decided to stay at your side.
I love the mixture of your journey through the world of dreams and realities, and I respect the limits that I would not pierce without becoming the intruder I have never known.
I want you to know that I recognize that I am full of flaws, but in a good sense of things I look for your acceptance and your admiration.
I'm like an acrobat walking a tightrope for a round of applause,
I'm crazy, I scream, I am foolish because I am emotional, but my intentions are good.
I want to make a difference in your life, I would like to steal what nobody can, it is the lock you used to close your heart and threw the key into oblivion.
I prefer to think of you crying alone for the absence of that key than to accept that you talk with your shadow, and she would have answered you. I LOVE YOU BROTHER.